Alerts & Automations

How to Create Alerts and Automations Based on SQL Queries

November 17, 2023

Setting up alerts and automations with SQL queries


In this blog, we cover how to create alerts and automations based on SQL queries to proactively manage business operations. We covers use cases like inventory management, last-mile delivery, customer engagement, and technical downtime.

Locale’s no-code platform simplifies this process by allowing users to connect databases, write SQL queries, and set up alerts with minimal technical expertise.

In today's business, staying ahead of potential issues is crucial for maintaining seamless operations and ensuring excellent customer service. One way to achieve this is proactively notified about any potential issues that may negatively affect your customer. The most effective way of getting proactively notified is by implementing alerts and automations through SQL queries on your database.

By proactively identifying and addressing issues within databases, companies can mitigate downtime, improve data accuracy, minimize disruptions, and ultimately enhance the customer experience. This not only boosts operational efficiency but also contributes to better decision-making processes. This blog explores the significance of such alerting systems and how you can set up these alerts.

Use Cases where alert/automation helps!

Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is very crucial for any business, it helps businesses to able to sell their product better with Low Stock Alerts. Through SQL query alerts, the system can instantly notify administrators when stock levels drop below a certain threshold.

SELECT product_id, product_name, quantity
FROM products
WHERE quantity < 10;

Last Mile Delivery

Last mile delivery alerts play a crucial role in enhancing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency in the logistics and e-commerce industries. Through real-time alerts, team can ensure that delivery happens on time.

SELECT order_id, delivery_status, estimated_time_of_arrival
FROM delivery_tracking
WHERE estimated_time_of_arrival < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;

Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is a critical aspect of any business, and implementing churn alerts can significantly enhance proactive customer management. Automated system can trigger a notification when a customer has not used a product in a specified time.

SELECT customer_id, MAX(sign_in_timestamp) AS last_sign_in
FROM customer_sign_ins
WHERE customer_id NOT IN (
    SELECT customer_id
    FROM product_usage
    WHERE usage_timestamp >= (CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '90' DAY)  -- Specify your desired time period
GROUP BY customer_id;

Technical Downtime/Overload

Technical downtime alerts play a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and availability of websites or products. These alerts are designed to promptly notify administrators or relevant personnel when a service experiences downtime or overload, helping minimize disruptions and ensure a swift response to address the issue.

FROM website_status 
WHERE status = 'down'

Automating alerts through SQL queries can help you with unlimited number of business solutions beyond the basic use cases mentioned earlier. Anyone can setup a tailored solutions for their diverse business needs.

How Locale can help automate receiving alerts, a no-code platform simplifies the process of creating alerts and automations. Businesses can seamlessly connect their databases, write SQL queries, and set up customized alerts without the need for extensive technical expertise. This ease of use empowers teams to take control of their data and leverage it for actionable insights. Automating SQL query through locale is an easy deal, It eliminates the need for intricate scripting and complex setup. Let’s see how you can automate through Locale.

Step 1: Connect your Data Source

Locale helps connect with the major databases, data warehouses and SaaS tools present today. Integration of your data sources are as easy as filling out a few form fields .

To connect your Data Source: Log in to Locale, Go to Org Setting and Connect your database from the data source.

Integration of multiple data sources with Locale

Step 2: Set up Alert Configurations

In this step, we set up rules to monitor. You can set up any rule according to your business requirement.

Go to Alerts → Create New Alerts. Choose your database → Click on Setup data to be monitored. Write your own SQL Query and click Run to verify the data. Once you are satisfied, click Done.

Setting up alert condition in Locale which deletes data older than 7 days and alerts users

Step 3: Schedule your Alert

Once you have setup monitoring rules, you can set up frequency or schedule on which you want to receive alerts/notifications. Once you do this, this would automatically run the query based on the frequency you set and you’ll be able to receive the results.

Click on Run the query at frequency and choose your schedule.

Scheduling alert runs in Locale by setting alert frequency

Step 4: Notify Relevant Stakeholder

Connect with your preferred notification streams to ensure that your stakeholders receive all updates on time. You can assign specific results to specific people in your team who are then held accountable to monitor these results and take action accordingly.

Go to the Setup Notification section and click on Add Notification then select and set up your preferred notification channel.

Setting up communication platforms to send alert on Locale
Locale also allows you to dynamically notify users based on the query result. This helps to notify the right individual and de-clutter alert noise.

You’re good to go! Once the alert is set, you will keep on getting notified on your use case.

Do More with Locale!

Incident Management

Locale employs an Incident Management system where each alert transforms into a ticket, facilitating comprehensive tracking of issues and efficient resolution processes.

Dynamic Assignment & Notification

Locale’s dynamic assignment can notify and assign issues through query result allowing you to direct issue based type of problem, the skillset of team members, and their availability.

Auto Escalation

If any issue is not resolved within a specified timeframe it automatically forward the issue to higher-level authorities or specialized teams. This proactive approach ensures that critical issues receive the attention they need, preventing them from causing further disruptions.

Auto Resolution

Auto-resolution is crucial to determine whether an incident has been successfully resolved. This automated approach streamlines the resolution process, reducing manual intervention and increasing efficiency.

Analytics to Perform Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

By understanding the root causes, you can implement targeted solutions and preventive measures, reducing the likelihood of the same issues recurring in the future.

100+ Integrations seamlessly integrates with a wide range of tools and platforms, allowing you to consolidate your workflow and centralize information.

Complete issue management with proactive issue alerts, SOP guidance, and auto-escalation in Locale's incident management


The power of SQL query alerts and automations cannot be overstated in today's dynamic business environment. With, businesses can automate getting alerted on their business issues in real-time. This empowers them to proactively identify issues and direct them to the relevant individual. With Locale’s incident tracking with advanced solution like Dynamic Assignment & Notification, Auto Escalation and Auto Resolution businesses can resolve any issue swiftly. This allows businesses to proactively address issues, minimize downtime, and elevate their overall operational efficiency.

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