
Guide to merge Shopify and Amazon data for better D2C Operations

February 26, 2024

Merge Shopify and Amazon data

Challenges in Ecommerce Data Analytics when you sell via both Shopify and Amazon

Managing eCommerce data analytics across multiple platforms like Shopify and Amazon introduces several challenges due to the inherent differences in platform ecosystems, data structures, and business processes. Here are some of the key reasons why this task can be particularly challenging:

1. Data Heterogeneity
  • Different Data Models: Shopify and Amazon have their unique data models and structures. For instance, the way orders, customers, and products are represented can vary significantly between the two platforms. This diversity requires a significant effort in data normalization to ensure consistency across datasets for meaningful analysis.
  • Varying Metrics and KPIs: Each platform may track different metrics or calculate common KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) differently. Aligning these metrics for cross-platform analysis requires a deep understanding of each platform's data definitions and calculation methods.
2. Integration Complexity
  • API Limitations and Access: Both Shopify and Amazon provide APIs to access sales data, inventory information, and customer details. However, these APIs have limitations in terms of call rates, data availability, and the complexity of the data they return. Efficiently extracting data within these constraints while ensuring completeness and accuracy can be challenging.
  • Automating Data Flows: Setting up automated and reliable data pipelines from each platform to a central analytics system involves dealing with different API frameworks, handling authentication securely, and managing data sync frequency to keep the analytics up-to-date.
3. Data Quality and Consistency Issues
  • Inconsistent Data Across Platforms: There might be discrepancies in how sales are recorded, returns are processed, or cancellations are handled across platforms. Resolving these inconsistencies to achieve a unified view of the business requires meticulous data cleansing and reconciliation processes.
  • Time Zone Differences: Shopify and Amazon might report data in different time zones, making direct comparisons difficult without proper adjustments. Ensuring that all data points are normalized to a single time zone is crucial for accurate reporting and analysis.
4. Scalability and Performance
  • Handling Large Volumes of Data: As sales grow, the volume of data generated can become substantial. Efficiently processing, storing, and querying large datasets while maintaining performance poses significant technical challenges.
  • Adapting to Platform Changes: eCommerce platforms frequently update their features, data models, and APIs. Keeping the data integration and analytics processes aligned with these changes requires ongoing maintenance and adaptation.
5. Analytical Depth and Actionability
  • Unified Analytics: Beyond merging data, deriving meaningful insights that encompass the entire business operation across platforms is challenging. It involves not just technical integration but also a strategic approach to analyzing combined data in ways that drive actionable business decisions.
  • Real-Time Insights: Achieving real-time or near-real-time analytics across multiple platforms can be particularly difficult due to the asynchronous nature of data collection, processing delays, and the need for data accuracy and reliability.

Managing eCommerce analytics across Shopify and Amazon requires a well-thought-out strategy that addresses these challenges. Success in this endeavor provides a comprehensive understanding of business performance, customer behavior, and operational efficiencies, driving informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Benefits of merging data from Shopify and Amazon?

Benefits of merging data from Shopify and Amazon

Merging data from Shopify and Amazon into a unified analytics framework offers several substantial benefits that can enhance your business strategy, improve operational efficiency, and drive growth. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Holistic View of Sales and Performance

Combining data from both platforms provides a complete picture of your business's performance, allowing you to compare and analyze sales trends, product performance, and customer behavior across different channels.

2. Unified Customer Profiles

Merging customer data from Shopify and Amazon helps in creating detailed customer profiles, enabling personalized marketing and sales strategies. Understanding customer preferences and behavior across platforms can lead to more effective engagement and higher conversion rates.

3. Accurate Demand Forecasting

Analyzing sales data from both platforms enhances demand forecasting, allowing for more efficient inventory management. This can lead to reduced stockouts and overstock situations, optimizing inventory levels and potentially lowering storage costs.

4. Cross-Platform Inventory Insights

Understanding inventory movement across platforms can help in reallocating stock more effectively, ensuring availability where demand is highest.

5. Cross-Platform Campaign Analysis

Evaluating marketing campaigns' performance across Shopify and Amazon can provide insights into which channels and tactics are most effective, helping to optimize marketing spend and strategy.

6. ROI Measurement

By tracking the customer journey across platforms, businesses can better measure the return on investment (ROI) of their marketing efforts, identifying the most profitable channels and campaigns.

Reports to create with Shopify and Amazon combined data

Ecommerce reports on Locale
1. Cross-Platform Sales Performance Reports
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly sales comparisons across platforms.
  • Product performance reports showing top-selling and underperforming products.
  • Seasonal sales trends and forecasting.
2. Customer Behavior and Segmentation Reports
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) analysis across platforms.
  • Repeat purchase rates and average order value (AOV) analysis.
  • Customer segmentation is based on purchasing behavior, preferences, and demographics.
3. Inventory Management Reports
  • Cross-platform inventory levels and turnover rates.
  • Product restocking forecasts based on sales trends.
  • Identification of overstocked and understocked items.
4. Financial Reports and Analytics
  • Comprehensive revenue, cost, and profit analysis.
  • Comparison of platform fees, shipping costs, and other expenses.
  • Tax obligations and revenue projections.
5. Marketing and Advertising Performance Reports
  • ROI analysis of marketing campaigns across platforms.
  • Customer acquisition costs (CAC) are segmented by marketing channel.
  • Engagement and conversion rates for different promotional activities.

Check out other reports: Shopify Reports & Automations

Alerts and Automation with Shopify and Amazon combined data

Inventory Reorder alert and automation
1. Real-Time Inventory Management

Automate inventory updates across both platforms to ensure consistency and avoid overselling. Implement triggers to reorder stock based on predefined thresholds, optimizing inventory levels and reducing manual oversight.

2. Customer Communication

Set up automated emails or messages for various customer actions, such as post-purchase follow-ups, abandoned cart reminders, or loyalty rewards, personalized based on customer behavior across Shopify and Amazon.

3. Dynamic Pricing

Implement dynamic pricing strategies based on sales performance, inventory levels, and competitor pricing across platforms. Use automation to adjust prices in real-time to maximize sales and profitability.

4. Order Processing and Fulfilment

Streamline order processing by automating order aggregation from both platforms and routing orders to fulfillment centers based on inventory availability, customer location, and shipping preferences.

5. Inventory Stockouts

Set up automated alerts for critical metrics or events, such as sudden drops in sales, inventory shortages, or spikes in customer complaints, allowing for swift action to mitigate issues.

By leveraging the combined data from Shopify and Amazon, businesses can significantly enhance their reporting capabilities and operational efficiencies through automation. These strategies not only save time and reduce errors but also provide deeper insights that can drive strategic decisions and improve overall business performance.

Other platforms to combine with Shopify and Amazon data?

other platforms to combine with Shopify and Amazon data

Combining Shopify and Amazon data with information from other platforms can significantly enrich your eCommerce analytics, offering deeper insights into customer behavior, marketing effectiveness, and overall business performance. Integrating data from platforms like Klaviyo, Google Ads, and others enables a mre holistic view of your operations and customer interactions.

Here are some key platforms to consider integrating with Shopify and Amazon data:

Tool Use Benefits
Klaviyo Email marketing and automation platform that specializes in targeted, data-driven campaigns. By integrating Klaviyo, you can leverage detailed customer segmentation and behavior analysis for personalized email marketing campaigns, track the effectiveness of email marketing in driving sales, and automate customer communication based on specific actions or milestones.
Google Ads Online advertising platform for creating ads that appear in Google's search results and its advertising network. Combining Google Ads data allows you to measure the ROI of your paid search campaigns, understand how paid traffic converts on Shopify and Amazon, and optimize your ad spend based on product performance across these platforms.
Facebook Ads Advertising platform for creating and running ads across Facebook's vast network, including Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network. Integrating Facebook Ads data helps in attributing sales to social media campaigns, optimizing ad targeting based on customer data from Shopify and Amazon, and analyzing the customer journey from social engagement to purchase.
Google Analytics Web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic, offering insights into user behavior and site performance. By integrating Google Analytics, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how users interact with your Shopify store, analyze traffic sources, and measure the effectiveness of SEO and content marketing efforts.
Warehouse Management System (WMS) WMS solutions help in tracking inventory levels, managing receiving and picking operations, and optimizing the storage and movement of goods within a warehouse. Integrating a Warehouse Management System (WMS) with Shopify and Amazon significantly boosts operational efficiency, ensuring real-time inventory accuracy, streamlining order fulfillment, and optimizing warehouse logistics.

How to merge data from Shopify, Amazon, and other D2C platforms?

ETL Platforms

Implementing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes is a strategic approach to amalgamate data from diverse platforms like Shopify, Amazon, and others. This method involves extracting data from each source, transforming it to ensure consistency—such as normalizing date formats and product IDs—and finally loading it into a centralized data warehouse or database, such as Amazon Redshift or Google BigQuery.

The flexibility of ETL processes lies in their ability to handle complex data transformations and cleansing, which is crucial when dealing with varied data structures across platforms. By leveraging ETL, businesses can facilitate the creation of detailed, custom reports and automate alerts based on aggregated data. This not only enhances data accuracy and reporting capabilities but also supports more informed decision-making by providing a comprehensive view of business operations.

API-Based Custom Invitation

On the other hand, API-based custom integration offers more granular control over the data extraction and integration process. By developing custom scripts or applications that utilize the APIs provided by Shopify, Amazon, and other platforms, businesses can directly fetch and merge data into databases, data lakes, or analytics platforms for in-depth analysis. This method provides full autonomy over how data is collected, structured, and analyzed, allowing for the development of highly tailored data models and reporting capabilities.

API-based integration is particularly beneficial for organizations with unique analytical needs that off-the-shelf tools cannot accommodate. It enables the creation of bespoke solutions that can adapt to specific business requirements, offering a powerful way to harness data for strategic advantage.


With Locale, we're introducing a robust reporting module designed to empower companies to kickstart their monitoring journey right from the beginning. Leveraging our seamless integration with various SaaS products, you can effortlessly generate reports, configure email/Slack notifications, set up alerts, and automate tasks with just a few clicks. Whether you're at the initial stages or further along in your journey, Locale serves as your comprehensive operations workflow tool, simplifying your monitoring and analytics needs.

Why choose Locale to build out these reports and alerts?

Locale reports
1. 50+ pre-built report templates

Our platform offers a diverse range of reporting capabilities, including a library of over 50 pre-built report templates. These templates cover a wide spectrum of data needs, and you also have the flexibility to create advanced custom reports tailored to your specific requirements.

2. Merging Data Across Sources [Shopify, Amazon and others]

We understand the importance of holistic insights. Locale allows you to merge data from your Shopify store with other data sources, creating customized reports that provide a comprehensive view of your operations. This integration ensures you have all the information you need in one place.

3. Collaboration and Accountability

Enhancing team collaboration is at the heart of what we do. With Locale, you can easily assign team members to each report, ensuring accountability. This collaborative approach streamlines communication and fosters a sense of ownership over the data and its insights.

4. Automated Scheduling

Convenience is key. You can schedule your reports to be delivered via Slack, Email, or WhatsApp at the frequency that suits your workflow. This automation ensures that you receive the data you need, when you need it, without manual effort.

5. Task and Workflow Automation

Beyond reporting, Locale enables you to set up automated tasks and workflows triggered by your reports. This feature allows you to take immediate actions such as setting up automated webhooks etc.

6. Effortless Task Tracking

Tracking the status of tasks is made easy with Locale. You can monitor progress, ensuring that tasks are completed promptly. If any issue remains unresolved, our system allows for easy escalation, ensuring that critical matters are addressed promptly and effectively.

7. Team Performance and Analytics

By monitoring the performance of your team members in terms of assigned tasks, task resolutions, and escalations, you can gain valuable insights into individual and team effectiveness.

Getting Started:

1. Connect and Consolidate

Link data across over 50 databases and SaaS tools, bringing all your information into one accessible location.

2. Ready-Made or Custom Templates

Choose from our ready-made templates or tailor them to your unique needs using SQL.

3. Effortless Setup and Tracking

Establish reports, alerts, or automation processes, and effortlessly track their status until resolution.

Getting started with Locale Report